SonicWall Content Filtering Service Prem
SonicWall Content Filtering Service Premium Business Edition - Licenza a termine (4 anni) - per NSa 6700
SonicWall Capture Advanced Threat Protec
SonicWall Capture Advanced Threat Protection Service - Licenza a termine (1 anno) - per NSa 4700
SonicWall Network Security Manager Advan
SonicWall Network Security Manager Advanced - Licenza a termine (1 anno) - per NSa 6700
SonicWall Analytics (Syslog) - Licenza a
SonicWall Analytics (Syslog) - Licenza a termine (2 anni) - per P/N: 02-SSC-1715, 02-SSC-3919, 02-SSC-3921, 02-SSC-4330
SonicWall Secure Cloud WiFi Management a
SonicWall Secure Cloud WiFi Management and Support - Contratto di assistenza esteso - sostituzione hardware avanzata - 3 anni - spedizione - tempo di
SonicWall Advanced Secure Cloud WiFi Man
SonicWall Advanced Secure Cloud WiFi Management and Support - Contratto di assistenza esteso - sostituzione hardware avanzata - 3 anni - spedizione -
SonicWall Content Filtering Service Prem
SonicWall Content Filtering Service Premium Business Edition - Licenza a termine (3 anni) - per NSa 6700
SonicWall Gateway Anti-Malware, Intrusio
SonicWall Gateway Anti-Malware, Intrusion Prevention and Application Control - Licenza a termine (1 anno) - per NSa 4700
SonicWall Network Security Manager Advan
SonicWall Network Security Manager Advanced - Licenza a termine (1 anno) - per NSa 4700
SonicWall Gateway Anti-Malware, Intrusio
SonicWall Gateway Anti-Malware, Intrusion Prevention and Application Control - Licenza a termine (5 anni) - per P/N: 02-SSC-1715, 02-SSC-3919, 02-SSC-
SonicWall Content Filtering Service Prem
SonicWall Content Filtering Service Premium Business Edition - Licenza a termine (2 anni) - per NSa 4700
SonicWall Gateway Anti-Malware, Intrusio
SonicWall Gateway Anti-Malware, Intrusion Prevention and Application Control - Licenza a termine (2 anni) - per NSa 4700
SonicWall Analytics - Aggiornamento lice
SonicWall Analytics - Aggiornamento licenza di abbonamento (1 anno) - per NSa 5650
SonicWall Network Security Manager Advan
SonicWall Network Security Manager Advanced - Licenza a termine (5 anni)
SonicWall Network Security Manager Advan
SonicWall Network Security Manager Advanced - Licenza a termine (6 anni)